Tell us a little bit about yourself :)
I am a mom of two littles (soon to be 4 & 1). When I was 18 I picked up and moved from California to Texas on a full ride rodeo scholarship, and Texas is where I'll stay. I live on a 20-acre ranch with my husband and kiddos, where we raise cattle, chickens, and horses. I am also a full-time sonographer (ultrasound technologist) at a hospital. My passion in life is helping women gain confidence in their body and in their lives as we navigate motherhood and life.
When did fitness get serious for you?
I was a serial exercise quitter most of my life. My exercise mostly consisted of cleaning horse stalls and riding horses... until I had my son. My life completely changed and I knew it was time to make myself a priority in order to be the best mom and wife I could be. That's when I got serious about fitness and getting my pre-baby body back.
Can you share your biggest challenges?
My biggest challenge is the same as most moms... TIME! Working a full-time job, running a thriving business and still keeping up with my daily to do's and my family is not easy. It's not about finding time, it's about making time.

How did your passion influence your life in other ways?
I have always had a passion for helping people live healthier lives, I got my bachelors degree in health sciences, I work in a hospital setting and my business now is aimed towards helping moms live healthier... but I never knew exactly what this would look or feel like. I didn't know the impact it would have on me personally. I have learned so much about myself through starting this business and I have pushed myself to become a better person. I am still a work in progress, but I hope it rubs off on the people around me. Our mind is such a powerful tool.
What does your weekly fitness routine look like?
Well, I got a new spin bike for Christmas, so now I try and ride it 3-4 days a week and do strength training 3 days a week. I have a small area set up in my garage so I never have to leave my home.
And what about your flexibility training? Where does that fit in?
Because I have ridden horses my whole life, flexibility has never been a strong suit of mine... I have really tight hips and low back. I'm going to make flexibility training a major part of my routine doing it 3-4 days a week after I spin.
What keeps you motivated?
My big dreams and my children. I have a very clear vision of my future and I want to be healthy. I want my kids to see that they are worthy and grow up living an active lifestyle.

What are your future plans/goals/dreams?
I see my business growing to help hundreds of thousands of mama's take control of their health, find their confidence and build their own empires.
Any tips for those who are just starting getting serious with fitness?
Don't be so hard on yourself. Ditch the "all or nothing" mentality and start where you are!!! Life is constantly changing, be willing to change and adapt. Start with 5 minutes a day, get comfortable there and then start slowly increasing it.
Anything you’d like to share?
I love nothing more than supporting women on this journey. Feel free to reach out to me personally or you can join my 12-week program ---> https://www.mamasgonnaloseit.com/signup